Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Getting Back to Blogging : Stay Tuned

Hello Beautiful People,

Well, I clearly haven't been keeping up with this AT ALL. Work, then unemployment, then work, then unemployment again, and then full-time employment...finally happened! I've been busy and not busy all at the same time, but I promise you art has always been in the back of my mind and forever on my To-Do List. Now that I'm finally settled in my career (for the time being) I'm making strides to get back into the art world.

Here's my first step:

My dear, dear friend Mike Brenner has recently started his own beer brewing company, Brenner Brewing Co. You might be thinking, "How is a start-up brewery going to get you back into the art world?" Well here's how, before Mike was a brewer he was extremely involved in the art community here in Milwaukee owning his own gallery. Hotcakes Gallery was a place that I had the joy of interning at in my senior year of college to complete my degree in Art History. I made a great friend in him and have kept that relationship ever since. Along with the brewing beer part of his company there will also be an art gallery he'll open in relation to his brewery and art studios on the second floor for local artists to work in. I'll attach more information on him below, it's an interesting story. But back to me, I proposed something to him two weeks ago over dinner, as friends can. I asked him if I could be his intern again on the art side of this new business of his. I was hesitant to ask but I knew Mike would be honest with me if he didn't need me. Thankfully though he was more than happy to take me up on my offer.

Tomorrow I start working with him again and I can't wait. When I asked him what we'd be doing first he said either database things or painting. When he said "painting" I thought anything to get a paint brush in my hand. But I want to get my hands on anything and everything I can. To get any and all experiences he'll allow me to have I am more than willing to work for him, work with him, and work hard.

I'm really, really going to try to keep an up-to-date account of my time with Mike and the company that he is starting. The good, the bad, and everything in-between.

Wish me luck!

P.S. Here's more information on Mike and what/where I'll be working and what I'll be accounting on

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